Cooking Show - 2ª Série EM A e B

Fale Conosco
Os estudantes da 2ª Série EM A e B realizaram uma super atividade de culinária!

Lendo a receita em inglês, os estudantes aprenderam a fazer um delicioso mousse de maracujá, que em inglês, se chama "Passion Fruit".

The passion fruit is so called because it is one of the many species of passion flower, the English translation of the Latin genus name, Passiflora, and may be spelled "passion fruit", "passionfruit", or "passion-fruit". Around 1700, the name was given by missionaries in Brazil as an educational aid while trying to convert the indigenous inhabitants to Christianity; its name was flor das cinco chagas or "flower of the five wounds" to illustrate the crucifixion of Christ and his resurrection, with other plant components also named after an emblem in the Passion of Jesus.